A Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Episode 42: Some Hitchhikers Guide Joke or Something

Off Color Cast is a Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering. Some language may be found offensive so make sure your taste and paste makers are properly adjusted before listening. Off Color Cast will not pay your doctor bills.

00:00:00 – 00:03:30          Intro – Who we are, what we do, and how we do.

00:03:31 – 00:27:54          Randomnessness, Wrestling, and Forcing It In

00:27:55 – 00:44:01          Chris’s Stupid Card Thing- This week we Chris brings us a card from Scourge with Dimensional Breach. We go in on how this works, playing it in America colors, Blink effects, and how O-Ring and taking a Journey to Nowhere may actually be interesting. We also go over the best times to cast this thing and a few things you might want to bring back with it first.

00:44:02 – 01:13:53          Cassidy’s Audacity- The Audacity has returned and we are going into staples, but first we talk a bit about Cassidy’s meat. Then we go into the staples of EDH. We get the OCC boyz opinion on what staples we run, what we consider to be a staple, KiKi Jiki, what a finisher staple is, wanting eight copies of Sensei’s Divining Top and figuring when we might see it next, and the sad robot of EDH. Later we go into the idea of what staples we may get in the next Commander product, Calvin keeps saying staplers, running out of room for staples, and a Street Fighter reference.

01:13:54 – 01:20:26          Outro- We’re out of here. Remember if you want to get in contact with us you can find us…

On Twitter                   Christian- @ChristianRenoe 
Cassidy- @WriterofWrong

On The Web    Christian- www.offcolorcast.comoffcolorcast@gmail.com
Cassidy- www.youcanthandlethenath.comwww.tcgplayer.com (in the Magic section)


  1. I've been running dimension breach in my Vish Kal list for a while now. Mostly I just annoy the hell out of people with it, but often enough it sets me up for a kill with general damage. Nice choice on the card, also the wrestling talk is great. I havn't watch any in years but it's great to hear you guys crack on it.

  2. Hmmm.... it seems at least one of our listeners actually likes the wrestling talk. Ha!!!
