A Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Episode 26: fART with STP

Off Color Cast is a Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering. Some language may be found offensive so make sure your taste and paste makers are properly adjusted before listening. Off Color Cast will not pay your doctor bills.                

00:00:00 – 00:02:30          Intro – Who we are, what we do, and how we do it. (With 100% MORE Patchen)
00:02:30 – 00:19:13          Chris’s Stupid Card Thing- Do you like Blue and Green? Are you down with the Simic?.... Bad joke I know but this week Chris takes us all the way back to Visions with Pygmy Hippo. We go over as many ways to play this thing and how to use the mana pool to our advantage. Come listene as we talk about one of the only Hippos in the game (that’s not a changling).
00:19:14 – 00:19:25          Did ya’ll just hear that fart?
00:19:26 – 00:54:10          Patchen It Up  – This week we Patchen it up as STP talks about how to get them cards in Red. CARD DRAW!!! We go over wheel effects, cycling, filtering, artifact draw, card advantage, and all the things you can add to a mono Red deck to get some draw. We also learn about the five mana Command  that pisses Chris off the most and WoTC first Hipster planeswalker. We even do a quick run thru of the Izzet vs Golgari duel decks.
00:54:11 – 01:27:05          Cassidy’s Audacity – Get a hold of Gatherer and prepare to follow along. This week on the Audacity, we go into Critic mood and get all up in reprints with alternate art. Stuffy Doll, Kiki JiKi, Bull Hippo, Tentacles sex, and every ones favorite Sad Robot all gets a piece of the art pie. This and even more are waiting for the OCC to rip them apart!
01:27:06 – 01:30:06          Outro- We’re out of here. Remember if you want to get in contact with us you can find us…
On Twitter                          Christian- @ChristianRenoe 
Cassidy- @WriterofWrong  
Sean - @SwordsToPlow
On The Web       Christian- www.offcolorcast.comoffcolorcast@gmail.com
Cassidy- www.youcanthandlethenath.comwww.tcgplayer.com (in the Magic section)
Sean- Articles in the archives www.commandercast.com under Accumulated Knowledge


  1. I started listening to your podcast from the beginning and I can't find a way to subscribe to you guys in iTunes. Is it possible? Am I an idiot?

  2. No, your not. As far as this site goes, we don't use iTunes. I'm not sure if they do it over at MTGCast, but I'll ask if they do.

  3. Found a way to do it with the RSS Feed and google reader.

  4. Cool man. Did you get it from MTGCast RSS Feed?
