A Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Episode 48: Skeleton Ship

Right Click and stuff to download

Well kids, I finally decided to get rid of some dead weight.  Calvin and Cassidy are no longer a part of this show.  I wish them luck in their future endeavors.  Of which they will have none.  Neither of them will ever work in this town again.


New Legendary Rules

How to Combat These Legendary Rules

M14 Preview

Contact information

Chris - @christianrenoe offcolorcast@gmail.com (put skeleton ship in the subject line so that I know you are a true fan)


  1. I've been an avid listener of both Off Color Cast and Commander Cast. I have greatly enjoyed listening to the discussions happening on both podcasts as the discussion between the hosts has brought up topics and ideas that help me better understand the social contract, become a better deck builder, and just a better player of EDH in general. I do not value one podcast over the other as I think they both have their merits.

    I write this comment only to address the departure of Calvin and Cassidy. While I am disappointed that they will not be on the show any longer, I understand the reasons why they were let go. However, this is not why I write this comment.

    When I read the caption on the post saying that they would not be on the show, I was expecting that they would be giving some sort of professional (if casual) farewell and maybe even some sort of "thanks for your input", but as I continued reading the caption and started listening to the podcast itself, all I got was a childish display of arrogance towards your past co-hosts (complete with needless mocking) which I think was extremely unnecessary, unwarranted, and unprofessional. Show some class.

    In short, I will no longer be following Off Color Cast (or whatever you're calling it now) for the following two reasons.

    The first is the above described display of childishness. To reiterate, the reason is NOT because Calvin and Cassidy have left; the reason is because of how you handled it.

    The second (unrelated to the first) is because there is only one host. As I mentioned before, the best part of a podcast for me is the DISCUSSION happening during the podcast. I believe its what differs it from the ever present "just leave something in the comments and I'll get right back to you" garbage that is all over the internet. Having multiple hosts allows for discussion of potentially conflicting ideas AS THEY HAPPEN...not having to wait for weeks for responses.

    Now I understand that you may just take this message and react as you did with the departure of Cassidy and Calvin, and go along the route with "well then go watch the OTHER show....AND STAY OUT!". But I really hope you don't. I realize that I am just one listener, and I also don't pretend to think that me not listening isn't going to make a difference to you. I just wanted to mention it because I may not be the only listener feeling this way.

    Show some class, and good luck in the future.

  2. Wait, am I the only one that understood this as a wrestling tag team break-up parody?

    Chris' rant was too cheesy to be real....right?

    1. Heh naw son I think you in the majority

    2. Old skool wrestling fan here. I'm talking way back when my cable hot box worked for Pay Per View events. (good ole' days before N Demand)

      Perfect Wrestling parody going on there. Another form of spiking interest is having beef. Staged or not I'm intrigued to find out what Calvin and Cassidy have to say.

      Love the show, I'm always glad to hear topics from all three hosts.

      Thank you all for the awesome podcasts.
