A Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Episode 20: Tag Team 3: Tag Harder

Off Color Cast is a Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering. Some language may be found offensive so make sure your taste and paste makers are properly adjusted before listening. Off Color Cast will not pay your doctor bills.

00:00:00 – 00:03:49    Intro – Who we are, what we do, and how we do it…. without Chris…. Maybe…
00:03:50 – 01:00:10    Tag-Team 3: Tag Harder – What does Off Color Cast, CommanderCast, and The Eh! Team have in common?... yes we are all Magic based Podcast you smug little…. THAT and we all have played an new experimental format called Tag Team .This week, the Off Color Crew is down one Christian Renoe and up one Mr. Scotty Mac as we discuss this format that’s so new it’s still in the development stages! Listen as we discuss our findings, favorite tag combinations, rules for the format, and a ton of other random things we liked and disliked about this format!  
01:00:11 – 01:05:04    Outro- …. What? That’s all the show notes! We’re out of here. Remember if you want to get in contact with us you can find us…

On Twitter
Christian- @ChristianRenoe 
Cassidy- @WriterofWrong  
Mr. Scotty Mac - @MrScottyMac

On The Web   

Cassidy- www.youcanthandlethenath.comwww.tcgplayer.com (in the Magic section)
Mr. Scotty Mac – www.manadeprived.com (with the Eh! Team) – mrscottymac@gmail.com      


  1. I think in a tag team rule, Brothers Yamazaki should be able to be on the field on the same time, so like both tag team partners can on the field.

    It'll be like Bella's twin twin magic shit right here.

    1. While allowing Brothers Yamazaki to stick around would be hot as hell!... if we allowed it for them, we would have to do the same for all tags and allow you to have a two piece Legendary combo ready at will. I like the idea but I think the format needs to ignore the cool factor here to keep it as a tag team based format.

    2. Make the rule somewhat like the old legend rule, from before Kamigawa or something. Except it's inverted, since you want it the new one to stay. When both brothers are on the field, their ruling will just cancel the ruling, since they were meant to be two dudes.

      So basically, the tag team will be affected by legend rule, since you can only have one on the field. Kinda like the PW rule.

    3. But with that there maybe to many "legend" rules between the the old one and the new one. I like the idea of using it so I'll see if I can get the guys to try it out and see what happens. Thanks for the feedback.

  2. Maybe this was covered and I missed it: does tagging in a general count as "casting" it? IOW can I tag in Maelstrom Wanderer every other turn and trigger his double cascade each time?

    Also, a Ghost Council blink deck with access to blue = sweet. Perhaps paired with Barrin, or with Hanna and taking advantage of voyager staff? Oona or Meloku could make him all the tokens he ever needs... Sounds like a good way to make a less broken Esper deck than the current offerings.

    OR you could just make a pirate themed deck with Hanna/Sissay and Skeleton Ship.

    1. Yes, you would get your Wanderer's eefect with the tag.

      I'm glad your enjoying the idea of using this format to build different decks that are fun while interesting.

      If I was going to go witha themed pirate deck it would have to have Ramirez DePietro. So it's him and Hanna or Hanna and Skeleton Ship. ;)

  3. I've had some 4-color Tag-Team decks for about a year now. I had mostly played them just 1-on-1 with my brother, but I was able to get a group to play them a few weeks ago. I had 5 that I pre-constructed to share (one for each not-color).

    The way I had been playing them is that the 'Tag' was an Upkeep Trigger rather than an activated ability. It solved a lot of the problems you were talking about on this episode. The other thing we had done differently was to track general damage separately, but I think your way is definitely better.

    My group really enjoyed it because it gave them the chance to play something other than their normal decks and the 4-coloredness made it kind of random, or less streamlined than an optimized deck.
    The decks were also mostly balanced (other than a game time decision that Gisela should be Jenara's partner leading the Angel Air Force instead of Razia). The other team pairs were Kresh/Hazezon Tamar (nonblue), Zedruu/Sygg, River guide (non-green, this deck ONLY had alternate win-conditions), Sisay/Zur (not-red: specifically designed with a legends and colors matter theme to be fun and not obviously broken), and Thraximundar/Skullbriar (non-white zombie tribal).

    1. Your Zombie tribal deck seems very interesting(which is a nice way of saying I'm going to steal this idea :) ).

      As for the upkeep trigger, which of the issues would this solve again? I'm sorry but I'm a little confused with what you're saying. The "Tag" is probally the hards part about this format, because every way I can think of makes it's a very wordy effect. It's not "Banding" wordy but it feels like "Phasing" for me. I want it to be as simple as possible so people can remember it better.

      Can you write out the effect so I may have a better understanding of how your group uses it, please?

  4. Our Tag went like this:

    If one of your commanders is in play, At the beginning of your upkeep you may pay the casting cost (including any 'general tax') of the commander in the command zone. If you do, your commanders trade places.

    In the podcast some of the discussion was on making it an Activated ability, limiting it to your turn only, etc. or what to do with commanders with Flash. Making it an upkeep trigger doesn't get around Trickbind, but it does solve the flash issue.

    1. Hmm... I like this idea. Mind me asking but would you and your playgroup be willing to try an experiment for me? nothing major. Just a small tweak. Could your group try this as a beginning of your main phase trigger? This would give you two chances to tag and you get the chance to draw your cards for the turn an decide if you would rather use your mana for the drawn card or the tag.

      I would really appreciate it if you could try this for a few games and let me know about how your group feels about it.

    2. Yeah, we can try that. It might be a few weeks before I play with that group again, but we can try that for sure.
