A Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Episode 7: Patchen it Up

Hey Gang!  As you will notice the bro notes are not as awesome, that is because I did them instead of the Captain, SOMEHOW WE WILL PERSEVERE.

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Off Color Cast is a Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering. Some language may be found offensive so make sure your taste and pace makers are properly adjusted before listening. Off Color Cast will not pay your doctor bills.

This week we have a guest!  The esteemed Sean Patchen aka swordstoplow.  Didn't have enough of him on this week's Commandercast?  WELL HERE IS A DOUBLE HELPING.

0:00 – 1:37 Intro
Who we are, what we doin here.

1:38 -  20:38 The Chain

Sean has a chain and a wild pair (get the innuendo folks?)  Sean brings his Birthing Pod/Wild Pair lists that he has created for use in his decks.  Do you like Seemlessly smooth toolboxes?  Love consistency and wrecking face?  Enjoy the word chain?  Give these super awesome spreadsheets over here a gander.




The gang discusses the latest entourage segment that was on Commandercast SHIMATSU THE BLOODCLOAKED (http://www.commandercast.com/commandercast-s5e4 )

Sean/Omar the bromar's Deck : http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/shimatsu/

24:13- 38:59 – Darkest Night (Hey man Calvin named it)

Grimgrin., Corpse-Born vs. Grave Titan, should Grimgrin retain his Legendary Creature Type belt?  We throw these two guys INTO THE CAGE to find out.

39:19- 1:04:07 Hater Rater – General Edition

Herein the gang discuss a few generals they believe get to be at the coveted top of the Off Color Hater Rater system ™*.  Check the length of this, as you see give Sean a hating inch and he takes a HATING MILE.

*Please note that all hate comments are considered the opinions of the hosts themselves and not the opinion of the show.  While the hate levels have been empirically tested, there may be deviation depending on playgroup and attitude.

1:04:08 – 1:09:07  - Outro/outakes
We all say goodbye, THANKS FOR LISTENING.  Also we leave some nuggets at the end.

On Twitter  Sean- @SwordsToPlow  Cassidy- @WriterofWrong Calvin @CaptainRedZon
Christian- @ChristianRenoe

On The Web       Sean - www.commandercast.com - swordstoplow@gmail.com

Christian- www.offcolorcast.com – offcolorcast@gmail.com

Calvin- www.threetotheface.com  -  captainredzone@gmail.com

Cassidy- www.youcanthandlethenath.comwww.tcgplayer.com (in the Magic section)


  1. You can tell I am drinking by the weird emphasis I put on random words.

  2. Haha, that just means your man level at at 110%
