A Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Episode 32: Gates We Crashin' Arsenals We Bashin'

Off Color Cast is a Commander based podcast where we discuss the serious, the aggressive, and the awesome points of Magic: the Gathering. Some language may be found offensive so make sure your taste and paste makers are properly adjusted before listening. Off Color Cast will not pay your doctor bills.   
00:00:00 – 00:02:52          Intro – Who we are, what we do, and how we do.
00:02:53 – 00:15:31          Chris’s Stupid Card Thing – This week, Chris drops some heavy metal on us in the form of Thunder Staff. This thing has Battle Cry from a time when Battle Cry wasn’t Battle Cry. We go over the various was you could used this thing. Most effective use of Voltaic Key ever.
00:15:32 – 00:16:39          Stink Bugs Attack!
00:16:40 – 00:37:40          Into the Red Zone- This week we kind of slow roll into the old news of the Commander’s Arsenal. We go over the reasons that Calvin has a problem with this product. We talk price (both MSRP and the E-Bay going price), swag, over-sized legends without smaller copies, proxies, and various odds and ends of this. There’s even a quick comparison of this and the FTV line up. Prepare for the most honest Red Zone to date. We even go into Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed’s judge promo.
00:37:41 – 00:41:33          Relentless Packs of Rats!
00:41:34 – 01:18:00          Cassidy’s Audacity – This week on the Audacity, Cassidy wants to talk mechanics. More to the point, he just wants to make a wish list of all the various things we would like to see in Gatecrash! We all make up our own things we want to see. Then we get to a point where we realize there’s too many ways to use +1/+1 counters. Milling, Rampage, and weird versions of thing we can’t name.
1:18:01 – 01:20:55            Outro- We’re out of here. Remember if you want to get in contact with us you can find us…

On Twitter                Christian- @ChristianRenoe 
Calvin- @CaptainRedZone
Cassidy- @WriterofWrong  

On The Web       Christian- www.offcolorcast.comoffcolorcast@gmail.com
Cassidy- www.youcanthandlethenath.comwww.tcgplayer.com (in the Magic section)


  1. Okay guys, so here's how the Palisade Giant/thunderstaff deal works- prevention effects and replacement effects work at the same time and in the same way. When a lightning bolt is pointed at a player, both of these effects are trying to apply to it. it's the affected player's (the guy being bolted) decision which one he applies first. After he's done that, if the other applies, it still happens. so the palisade giant in this case can take 2 damage (if he chooses to prevent 1 before redirecting) or 3 damage (if he redirects it first, so that the prevention no longer applies)

    1. Thank you Patrick you are a much smarter man than any of us chumps.

    2. Chris, I hold judgement due to the fact that this was my first opinion... until i let you durtles jedi mind trick me. (-_-)

  2. Thunder Staff is a really neat artifact. Untapping this is pretty good, but i think making more of em is better. Try putting this on a Prototypye Portal :D
